Sir Robert Ho Tung LibraryFree: All time

This building was constructed before 1894 and was originally the residence of Dona Carolina Cunha. A Hong Kong businessman Sir Robert Ho Tung purchased it in 1918, using it as his retreat until his relocation to Macao during the Second World War when Hong Kong fell into the hands of the Japanese in 1941. He passed away and in accordance with his will, the building was presented to the Macao Government for conversion into a public library.A mansion in typical Macanese style, the building is three storey’s tall, presenting an arched façade featuring pilasters with Ionian-inspired capitals and highlighted with friezes and moldings in white-painted stucco on a background of ochre yellow. A reflection of the mansion’s overall style, the main entrance features a wall arcade, decorated at the top with cobalt blue glazed balustrades, standing out in vivid contrast against the yellow walls. The interior incorporates traditional Chinese influences, while the garden landscaping is of decidedly Western origin, featuring several rare botanical specimens.

 Address: Santo Agostinho Square
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 10am – 7pm; Sun 11am – 7pm
Direction: Bus No.3, 4, 6, 8A, 18A, 19, 26A, 33, N1A
Phone: +853 2836 6866

Photo credit: Nekotank (Flickr CC), Tomoaki INABA (Flickr CC), Richard Lee (Flickr CC)
Contributor: Wilmer Ling, Kuby Ng